Legal Statement

Updated on: July 19, 2023
Effective date: July 19, 2023

This website, its contents and related intellectual property rights belong to Avatr Technology (Chongqing) Co., LTD. (" Avatr Auto "). After logging in, please read this Legal Statement carefully. If you do not agree with the relevant terms or the amendments and updates made on this website, you shall have the right to refuse access to this website or to refuse the information or services provided on this website. Once you use the contents provided on this website, including but not limited to browsing the information of the website, downloading the content of the website, using the links of third party websites provided by the website, etc., you are deemed to have understood and fully agreed to all the terms of this Legal Statement.

I. Use of the website
The information on this website and any component thereof, including the related intellectual property rights, shall be property of Avatr Auto, and Avatr Auto agrees that you may access, use and display this website and its materials, provided that such access and use shall be non-commercial, revocable and changeable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable. If you use it for commercial purposes, in violation of the law or otherwise act against the legitimate interests of this website and Avatr Auto, Avatr Auto reserves the right to refuse to provide the services, take reasonable measures to restrict your use of this website or other legal measures. The information and materials on this website will be updated from time to time and may be expressed inaccurately or incorrectly in use, and this website does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of such information. Avatr Auto will provide complete and accurate information and materials as practical as possible, and will correct errors as they are discovered. Avatr Auto does not guarantee that the information on this website will be published promptly and presented accurately during the life of the website (or as it is updated) due to the differences in each individual's understanding.

II. Third-party websites or links
Links to third parties provided in this website are solely for your convenience in obtaining further information or services. You have the right to choose to access or discontinue access to third party websites or links. If you choose to log in to a third-party website, you shall read this policy carefully and confirm your agreement before proceeding further. If the third party is not operated under Avatr's own operation, the rights and obligations between you and the third party’s link will be subject to the agreement between you and the third party’s link website, for which Avatr Auto will not be responsible. If the service is interrupted or obstructed or your property is damaged due to a third party’s website not operated by Avatr Auto or due to your misuse, it shall be settled by you and the third party, for which Avatr Auto will not be responsible.

III. Forward-looking statements
This website may contain certain forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements regarding Avatr's business and sales strategies and tactics, sales network construction, future technology development and research and development, and industry developments. Presentation with the words "anticipate," "believe," "forecast," "expect," "intend", "believe" and other similar terms are statements that reflect Avatr Auto's view of future events in their current state and do not constitute a guarantee of future business performance. These forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and you are expected to use this information with caution.

IV. Limitation of rights and disclaimer
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Avatr Auto disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of accuracy, security, completeness, merchantability, non-infringement or free of computer viruses. You assume full responsibility and risk for your use of the website. When you use the information on this website, you should use it legally and properly in accordance with the requirements of this website. Avatr Auto provides the information on this website free of charge, and does not charge operational or technical fees through this website. It is hereby stated that any action that occurs after your use of the information on this website has nothing to do with Avatr Auto but is your own independent action, and Avatr Auto shall not be held accountable for any damages arising from your use of the information on this website. This website will not be liable for your direct or indirect losses in case of any of the following circumstances:
1.Business disruption.
2.This website is made unavailable, or login to this website is delayed or interrupted.
3.Data cannot be transmitted, misdirected, destroyed, lost or otherwise modified.
4.Loss or damage of any kind suffered as a result of the handling of links to other websites on this website or the existence of links to other websites on this website.
5.Computer viruses, system failure or malfunctions that may arise from your use of the website (including links to or from third party websites).
6.Disclosure of personal data arising from the reasonable use of your data in accordance with the Privacy Policy or national regulations.
7.Your losses arising from force majeure or other causes beyond our reasonable control.

V. Updates and revisions
Avatr Auto reserves the right to update, adjust or delete the content, functions and information of the website from time to time, which will take effect on the date it is made.

VI. Service change, interruption or termination
If it is necessary to suspend network services due to system maintenance or system upgrade, a notice will be made on this website in advance as far as possible. If it is indeed impossible to give advance notice, this website reserves the right to interrupt or terminate part or all of the network services at any time without prior notice to you, and Avatr Auto shall not be liable to you or any third party for any loss caused by the interruption or termination of all services.

VII. Applicable law and jurisdiction
-The formulation, implementation and interpretation of this legal statement hereof and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by laws of the People's Republic of China. If the parties fail to negotiate a dispute arising from the use of this website, either party may file a lawsuit in the People's court where Avatr Auto is located.

VIII. Language of the website
The content of Chinese version of this website shall prevail, and the English version is for reference only.

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